Friday, January 24, 2020
Gilgamesh and Enkidu in the Epic Poem of Gilgamesh Essay -- Gilgamesh
Gilgamesh and Enkidu in the Epic Poem of Gilgamesh In this paper, I seek to explore the identities and relationships between Gilgamesh and Enkidu in the epic poem of Gilgamesh, up through Enkidu’s death. I will explore the gender identity of each independently and then in relation to each other, and how their gender identity influences that relationship. I will also explore other aspects of their identity and how they came to their identities as well, through theories such as social conditioning. I will investigate the possibility that Gilgamesh and Enkidu enjoy a homosexual relationship, since modern times allow such investigations which only 20 years ago were considered extemporaneous to ancient texts by traditions western conventions. Conversely, I will also consider the possibility of a heterosexual male-male relationship in the terms of Platonic love. In addition to this, I will touch briefly at times on the unique relationship each has to a world that is caught up in a change from nature and natural things to what we cal l a civilized life, or an urban life.      In the beginning of the epic poem Gilgamesh, the main character Gilgamesh is conveyed as a generally immoral human, his genesis mythically coming from the gods. â€Å"Two thirds they made him god and one third man.†(19, Norton; â€Å"Gilgamesh†). He also is said to have a perfect body, which is a trait of godliness in many ancient cultures. â€Å"When the gods created Gilgamesh they gave him a perfect body.†(18, Norton; â€Å"Gilgamesh). Here again it is obvious that the myth says Gilgamesh is from the same stuff as the gods. He is known for taking whatever he desires â€Å"His lust leaves no virgin to her lover, neither the warriors daughter or the wife’s noble.†(19, Norton; â€Å"Gilgamesh†). He has the arrogance and audacity to simply take anything that he considers in his kingdom. Clearly, at least early on in the story, the actions of Gilgamesh mirror that of his mythical genealogy from the gods, who live by a dif ferent moral code than that of civilized humans. At the same time however, Gilgamesh is certainly portrayed in the story as magnificent and capable of incredible things, such as the building of the walls and Rampart in Uruk. â€Å"Climb upon the wall of Uruk; walk along it, I say; regard the foundation terrace and examine the masonry: is it not burnt brick and good?†(19, Norton; Gilgamesh). So at the ... ...ith the fact that it seems death simply can not be escaped. This helps to change Gilgamesh a great deal, and in fact it is after this that Gilgamesh begins to change his way and is truly a â€Å"shepherd of the people.†In the end, Gilgamesh veils Enkidu like a woman (35, Norton: â€Å"Gilgamesh†). In fact, the text describes this as being veiled like a bride in this translation. So once again, even in death, it seems that Enkidu and Gilgamesh have moved to a very close and personal relationship with each other, which is certainly Platonic in nature, and even possibly sexually oriented in some way or another. In the end, it is unavoidable that in some way each is affected by the other, either to serve or remember the other and to be the fulfillment of each other. Works Cited Uknown Author. â€Å"Gilgamesh.†In The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces, the      Western Tradition, Seventh Edition, Volume 1. Ed. Sarah Lawall and Maynard Mack. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, Inc., 1999. 18-35. Doty, William G. Myths of Masculinity. New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company, 1993. 73-78. Sayers, Janet. Sexual Contradictions. New York: Tavistock Publications Ltd., 1986. 23-34.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
How Useful Are Sources A to C To Explain Why The United States Became Involved In The War In Vietnam?
Sources A-C gives us some insight into why the USA fought and got involved in Vietnam and reveals a number of reasons about Vietnam. I shall be reviewing each source from which I have stated above. Sources A, B and C. Source A is a primary public speech made by President Johnson (Lyndon Baines Johnson) in April 1965 just one month after the start of ‘Operation Rolling Thunder' helping to stop communism according to the provenance. In the speech Johnson is stating in the source, I quote â€Å"We fight in Vietnam because we have a promise to keep†. By this statement indeed Johnson did want his opinions to be heard and notified by his fellow American citizens, so they shall believe every word that comes out of Johnson's mouth. This was due to a promise being made by President Eisenhower when he was elected president in the year of 1953. Lyndon Johnson wishes all the Americans to trust in what he is saying to be 100% truthful and is trying to carry on regarding the promise made by Eisenhower and earn everyone's respect. The ‘Truman Doctrine' was also mentioned about. This is a list of every American President who had been elected in year 1948 to agree with a various amount of promises which they written then had to sign. Truman Doctrine was a promise they were fighting for â€Å"promised to help when there are any threats of communism†. So Johnson decided he wanted to do the same thing, so he signed and agreed once president. In the year of 1954, President Eisenhower and JFK started transporting â€Å"advisers†as the first president Kennedy would have wanted. From the tone of Johnson's words in the speech, you can tell he jus maybe talking in a religious manner and might even be a religious person within the speech. President Lyndon Johnson wants to reassure every single American citizen about the â€Å"Domino Theory†. This was a theory of a mid-20th century foreign policy theory. The title ‘Domino' is given to this theory because it can end up like a stack of dominos. This is because if you let one country fall to communism then each over country around that county would then soon follow falling one to another and become communism itself and Johnson was petrified of this happening. Lyndon Johnson is trying to make everyone go and fight in the Vietnam War. As most of the American citizens believed this is what would eventually happen if just one country did fall to communism and it's why Johnson is trying to justify himself. In the year of 1945 nearly all of all the American leaders all offered to help and give their own support of the Vietnam War. President Eisenhower was a well respected and great general of the war. There was one thing which was expected to be achieved or aimed said by President Johnson in the speech, I quote â€Å"the independence of the South and the freedom of the people of South Vietnam to guide their own country in their own way'. The Americans also think that they're available to strengthen â€Å"world order†because the U.S.A as democratic wanting to stop communism. Although there were two countries that relied on the Americans if they were at any point attacked which were ‘Thailand' and ‘Berlin'. If Vietnam was left to fight for itself, then it would increasingly look terrible on some of the promises which the Americans agreed with, due to American's believing it was their duty and their own right to fight for Vietnam. Johnson implied, I quote â€Å"to leave Vietnam to its fate would shake the value of an American commitment and in the value of America's word. The result would be instability and unrest, and even wider war†. I could say this source is being very biased, due to because Johnson is only giving his own opinion on what the American citizens want to hear, whilst he is keeping his real thoughts inside and not expressing his personal opinions. The source can be seen quite useful, but has limitations, as I have stated, it's a public speech where Johnson isn't really voicing his truths about what he thinks of Vietnam. To look at Johnson's person views, then I can begin to study source B. Source B is a private primary speech made by President Johnson in May 1964 according to the provenance. At this point in time, Lyndon Baines Johnson was only just elected president. With Johnson being V.P. (Vice President) he knew a lot regarding Vietnam and knew how everything worked. Lyndon Johnson became the thirty-seventh Vice President in the years from and to 1963-1965. Johnson was one of the major leaders of the ‘Democratic Party'. Also Lyndon Johnson was the one who were in charge of creating the â€Å"Great Society†. President Lyndon Baines in this private speech is discussing a number of things which includes criticizing most of his very own American citizens. I quote â€Å"I don't think the people of our country know much about Vietnam, and I think we care a hell of a lot less†. From Johnson stating these words, he is blatantly calling most of the American citizens dumb, thick and lack of knowledge about the Vietnam. With Johnson saying this, he has a very low profile on the American citizens and implies that the U.S.A cannot win the war. In public no-one would use the word â€Å"hell†like Johnson did in the speech, due to it being a southern religious Texan society which always stayed faithful and don't appreciate foul language such as swearing. Speaking in Private Johnson doesn't care what he is implying and doesn't have to bite his tongue to try and stop himself from voicing his very own opinions like he does when speaking out in public. As Johnson knows that none of the American citizens shall hear what he really thinks about them. In this source President Johnson is really voicing his opinions. You know this by Johnson saying, I quote â€Å"I don't think we can fight them ten thousand miles away from home, I don't think it's worth fighting for. What the hell is Vietnam worth to me?†Johnson is agreeing that the U.S.A need to stand up to communism, as Johnson is terrified of communism. Although, he is trying to get his personal views across which is stating Vietnam is not worth anything at all. It's like Lyndon Johnson isn't really concerned and couldn't care less about his people and about the Vietnam War. It's showing us that Johnson is scared and has fears of communism taking over the world as states and that the political consideration â€Å"Let's move on, let's go into the North†are just being selfish. We have to be very suspicious within this speech, as it hasn't been edited or tampered with and indeed if it's all whole trustworthy. Possibly was it taped? As it has been to believed that since President Johnson been president in the white house his office was monitored by everything that had been said by recorders. But is this really reliable and exactly what U.S.A. President Lyndon Baines Johnson really said? As I have stated before it can be edited in various ways making things sound different from what has actually been said, which could make this source a limitation. Source C is a secondary speech of a modern writer interview with Professor Noam Chomsky, an American critic of the war in October 1982 according to the provenance underneath the extract. The interview is talking about political reasons of the U.S.A and how they went to war which was to dominate Vietnam. Also to discontinue South Vietnam from independence and indeed there was an attack on South Vietnam from the U.S.A. Professor Noam Chomsky says, I quote, â€Å"The U.S. did not want an independent South Vietnam that was no longer dominated by America. It feared that South Vietnam might be able to reform and improve itself – develop it's economy- and that might work†. Chomsky is being biased due to him being an anti-American, and is therefore being biased towards the American country. To sum up the conclusion of sources A-C all have value and limitations. In my view source B is most useful as it's a private speech where Johnson is criticizing most of his own American citizens by using negative comments and is saying what he really thinks about Vietnam along with the citizens plus America. Once this private speech with Johnson's personal opinions and views about Vietnam, the tape was then exposed to everyone. Therefore source B is definitely the most useful out of them all.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The impact of financial crisis on certificate of deposit - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2374 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? A certificate of Deposit or CD is a time deposit, a financial product equally offered to consumers by banks, thrift institutions, and credit unions. CDs are similar to savings accounts in that they are insured and thus virtually risk-free; they are money in the bank. They are different from savings accounts in that the CD has a specific, fixed term and, usually, a fixed interest rate. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The impact of financial crisis on certificate of deposit" essay for you Create order It is intended that the CD be held until maturity, at which time the money may be withdrawn together with the accrued interest. In exchange for keeping the money on deposit for the agreed-on term, institutions usually grant higher interest rates than they do on accounts from which money may be withdrawn on demand, although this may not be the case in an inverted yield curve situation. Fixed rates are common, but some institutions offer CDs with various forms of variable rates. For example, in mid-2004, interest rates were expected to rise, many banks and credit unions began to offer CDs with a bump-up feature. These allow for a single readjustment of the interest rate, at a time of the consumers choosing, during the term of the CD. Sometimes, CDs that are indexed to the stock market, the bond market, or other indices are introduced. How does CDs work? CDs typically require a minimum deposit, and may offer higher rates for larger deposits. In the US, the best rates are generally offered on Jumbo CDs with minimum deposits of $100,000. However there are also institutions that do the opposite and offer lower rates for their Jumbo CDs. The consumer who opens a CD may receive a passbook or paper certificate, it now is common for a CD to consist simply of a book entry and an item shown in the consumers periodic bank statements; that is, there is usually no certificate as such. Interest Payout At most institutions, the CD purchaser can arrange to have the interest periodically mailed as a check or transferred into a checking or savings account. This reduces total yield because there is no compounding. Some institutions allow the customer to select this option only at the time the CD is opened. 2. Closing a CD Withdrawals before maturity are usually subject to a substantial penalty. For a five-year CD, this is often the loss of six months interest. These penalties ensure that it is generally not in a holders best interest to withdraw the money before maturity-unless the holder has another investment with significantly higher return or has a serious need for the money. Commonly, institutions mail a notice to the CD holder shortly before the CD matures requesting directions. The notice usually offers the choice of withdrawing the principal and accumulated interest or rolling it over (depositing it into a new CD). Generally, a window is allowed after maturity where the CD holder can cash in the CD without penalty. In the absence of such directions, it is common for the institution to roll over the CD automatically, once again tying up the money for a period of time (though the CD holder may be able to specify at the time the CD is opened not to roll over the CD). 3. CD refinance In the U.S. insured CDs are required by the Truth in Savings Regulation DD to state at the time of account opening the penalty for early withdrawal. These penalties cannot be revised by the depository prior to maturity. The penalty for early withdrawal is the deterrent to allowing depositors to take advantage of subsequent enhanced investment opportunities during the term of the CD. In rising interest rate environments the penalty may be insufficient to discourage depositors from redeeming their deposit and reinvesting the proceeds after paying the applicable early withdrawal penalty. The added interest from the new higher yielding CD may more than offset the cost of the early withdrawal penalty. 4. Deposit insurance In the US, the amount of insurance coverage varies depending on how accounts for an individual or family are structured at the institution. The level of insurance is governed by complex FDIC and NCUA rules, available in FDIC and NCUA booklets or online. The standard insurance coverage is currently $250,000 per owner or depositor for single accounts or $250,000 per co-owner for joint accounts until December 31, 2013. On January 1, 2014, the standard coverage limit will return to $100,000 per depositor for all accounts except for certain retirement accounts, which will remain at $250,000 per depositor. Some institutions use a private insurance company instead of, or in addition to, the Federally backed FDIC or NCUA deposit insurance. Institutions often stop using private supplemental insurance when they find that few customers have a high enough balance level to justify the additional cost. Impact The CDs combine features of equity and debt. The terms of the CDs differ from those of conventional bank deposits in that, while we may pay a Coupon Payment, we will not pay regular periodic interest on the CDs and a significant portion of your total payment at maturity may be based on the performance of the Index. If the Ending Index Level does not exceed, or in certain cases, equal, the Starting Index Level at maturity you will receive (in addition to a Coupon Payment, if applicable) only $1,000 (plus the Minimum Return, if any) for each $1,000 CD, unless otherwise specified in the relevant term sheet. Therefore, the return on your investment in the CDs may be less than the amount that would be paid on an ordinary bank deposit. The return at maturity of only the principal amount of each CD (plus the Minimum Return, if any) will not compensate you for any loss in value due to inflation and other factors relating to the value of money over time. When the financial crisis is comi ng. The CDS will have a lot of problems. Such as credit risk. For exam if Your investment in the CDs will involve certain risks. The CDs may not pay interest or guarantee any return of principal prior to maturity unless otherwise specified in the relevant term sheet. Investing in the CDs is not equivalent to investing directly in the Index or any of the component currencies of the Index. In addition, your investment in the CDs entails other risks not associated with an investment in conventional bank deposits. You should consider carefully the following discussion of risks bef ore you decide that an investment in the CDs is suitable for you. The impact of financial crisis on bankers acceptence What is the bankers acceptence? A bankers acceptance, or BA, is a negotiable instrument or time draft drawn on and accepted by a bank. Before acceptance, the draft is not an obligation of the bank; it is merely an order by the drawer to the bank to pay a specified sum of money on a specified date to a named person or to the bearer of the draft. Upon acceptance, which occurs when an authorized bank accepts and signs it, the draft becomes a primary and unconditional liability of the bank. If the bank is well known and enjoys a good reputation, the accepted draft may be readily sold in an active market. A bankers acceptance is also a money market instrument a short-term discount instrument that usually arises in the course of international trade. A bankers acceptance starts as an order to a bank by a banks customer to pay a sum of money at a future date, typically within six months. At this stage, it is like a postdated check. When the bank endorses the order for payment as accepted, it assumes responsibility fo r ultimate payment to the holder of the acceptance. At this point, the acceptance may be traded in secondary markets much like any other claim on the bank. Bankers acceptances are considered very safe assets, as they allow traders to substitute the banks credit standing for their own. They are used widely in international trade where the creditworthiness of one trader is unknown to the trading partner. Acceptances sell at a discount from face value of the payment order, just as US Treasury bills are issued and trade at a discount from par value. Bankers acceptances trade at a spread over T-bills. The rates at which they trade are called bankers acceptance rates. The Fed publishes BA rates in its weekly H.15 bulletin. Those rates are a standard index used as an underlier in various interest rate swaps and other derivatives. Acceptances arise most often in connection with international trade. For example, an American importer may request acceptance financing from its bank when, as is frequently the case in international trade, it does not have a close relationship with and cannot obtain financing from the exporter it is dealing with. Once the importer and bank have completed an acceptance agreement, in which the bank agrees to accept drafts for the importer and the importer agrees to repay any drafts the bank accepts, the importer draws a time draft on the bank. The bank accepts the draft and discounts it; that is, it gives the importer cash for the draft but gives it an amount less than the face value of the draft. The importer uses the proceeds to pay the exporter. Impact By financial crisis is coming. There is a lot of impacts on money market. Such as the impact of financial crisis on bankers acceptence. Bankers acceptance means that if you invest or save the money into the bank, maybe after the 3 years you wanna to withdraw your investment. Before that you have the contract between you and the bank. But nowadays the financial crisis is broke out, so the bank can not give the interest to you or bank will decrease the interest rate that will course the credit crisis, because of the financial crisis. At that time the bank also sell a lot of coupon bond, due to the financial crisis. The buyer can not afford the value of bond to the bank therefore course the credit crisis which the bank can not fulfill their promise to the customer. Massive reduction and liquid problems of credit raiting in banks (for the first time in (Northern Rock) in April and May 2007 and since 2005, the range of problems such as the results of slump in real estate, influence on d evaluation bank assets and manifestation of bankruptive effect on a number of banks have reached crisis point by September 2008. Financial sector was considerably damaged by unprecedented growth of prices that significantly declined after eliciting financial crisis and credit restriction. In the structure of consumption, forced high cost made a negative influence on the broad masses of populations savings and accordingly on the size of investments, also it caused the rise of cost price. therefore, demands decreased because of two factors. (second one wich was partially formed by the influence of the first one is connected to the reduction of corporations winning and the slump on their bonds). In 2007 for the purpose of reduction in the price of oil, concrete non-co-ordination experiment by the central banks of separate countries, in the usage of money credit regulation in currency rates, considering taxation balance sheet. On the background of multidimensional, different priorities and difficulties, the problems were mostly revealed in the difference of interest rates. The rise in oil price, must have firstly been reflected in the USA $ purchasing capacity, but in a number of countries, all over the world, oil import (reflected on money) when in deals, it is invested in USA $, it raised the demands on USA $ currency and conditioned the devaluation on Japanese yen, euro and pound sterling. For the beginning of reduction in oil price, financial crisis had already been from the USA, withal president election in the USA created an atmosphere for the better future changing. Currently, the countries all over the world, cut main interest rates and accordingly the difference among them is decreasing. It can be explained by the following conditiones: mortgage credits were provided with the flats on sale and accordingly their market price defines the existence of possible losses or their size of credits in the case of default by debtors, until the term expires or bef ore default, suitable credit letter or security, steadied by it, as the cost of assets. Creditors interest, connected with the price growth of real estate is against the debtor and that is the most essential during the period of mortgage, price growing in funds flow increases the share of expenses: Debtors funds flow is the most important component of its solvency. Undisturbed up growth of price on real estate, accordingly a great number of debtors and reinforcement of competition among credit organizations: motivation of cutting down the expenses of debtors credit analysis by banks, conditioned mortgaging credit insurance to be accented and in fact, this priority made debtors credit analysis into a minor importance question. Though it must be the first and uppermost source of covering the loans and according to the request of prudential law, mortgage as a means of covering loans must be used only in the extreme situations. Yet, this request is followed by banks, still, the importan t is not only loan repayment by debtors, instead of the results of credit analysis (especially, according to the corresponding funds-flow) but dependence on insurance while taking decision about credit, means that the possibilities of default indices are quite high. Rising by 2-3% in the real sector of economy, in the conditions of property differentiation growth, for the part of such outnumbered debtors credit covering has turned out impossible. The flats, had been moved in the property of banks, still returned back to the real estate markets. Because of increased deliveries and frequent defaults, the limit on distribution the mortgage credits, caused disastrous slump in real estate property prices. On its side it ment the decline in the maintenance of mortgage credits. Tendency of slump and deterioration of assets quality, that also conditioned the aggravation of liquidity problem, (during this period, reduction of credit rating, quite scared the investors and hedge funds) made th e banks minimize the new credit delivering process. Real estate delivery, was mostly realized by using the mortgage credits and without this, the recession of building sector has not been delayed. Conclusions on credit markets.
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